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Unfortunately the majority of my time this week will be spent studying. That said, I absolutely plan to finish reading *Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen* (!) and to finish watching Sex and the City (!!! can you believe I have ten episodes left !!! what can I possibly follow it with !!!). I have a final this coming Friday, another the Tuesday of the following week, and another on the Monday after that. I don't feel as stressed as I *could* feel. My sustenance (the best finals-period sustenance I've yet come up with, in my life) has included: (a) hot chocolate with marshmallows, (b) marshmallows without hot chocolate, (c) pre-run CLIF bars, (e) post-run Trader Joe's proats, (d) Chipotle...? I fondly remember my sophomore-year finals-week SWEETGREEN ALLOWANCE, in which I would get one falafel salad a day as my primary expense of that day. That salad has been discontinued, so now I get the Kale Caesar without chicken and therefore without any significant protein.